
Any student who needs accommodations for this course due to a disability should contact me privately and present a letter of accommodation as soon as possible. Please contact the Boston University Office of Disability Services to coordinate reasonable accommodations for a documented disability.

Collaboration and Academic Conduct

All Boston University students are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the Academic Conduct Code, which describes the ethical standards to which BU students are expected to adhere and students’ rights and responsibilities as members of BU’s learning community. All instances of cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic misconduct will be addressed in accordance with this policy. Penalties for academic misconduct can range from failing an assignment or course to suspension or expulsion from the university.


Students are expected to attend each class session unless they have a valid reason for being absent. If you must miss class due to illness or another reason, please notify the instructor as soon as possible, ideally before the absence. If you must miss class due to religious observance, you will not be penalized for that absence and you will receive a reasonable opportunity to make up any work or examinations that you may miss. Please review BU’s Attendance policy and Absence for Religious Reasons policy. If you miss more than one class, you will be asked to do makeup work.

Assignment Submission Guidelines

Late assignments that are not excused will be penalized. Your maximum score on an assignment will drop a letter-grade if you miss the deadline, and then an additional grade for each additional day. Assignments three days late will not be accepted.