david h. colmenares news notes publications talks teaching vitae

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

In late 2016 I decided at last to look back to the future and try as much as possible to avoid Graphical User Interfaces, both the tacky skeuomorphic and the equally tacky flat design ones that replace them. Since then, I spend most of my productive computer time either in the command line (iTerm2 + Zsh) or in VIM, where I’ve practically taken residence. (For research and writing, I had already completely transitioned to a plain text workflow.) The sole GUI program I use these days, other than the web browser, is NVALT, but I’ve already implemented most of it’s functionality in VIM. I’m now convinced that anything beyond ncurses (i.e. text-based graphic interfaces) is wasteful, unnecessary, and distracting, and that clickable images are evil. GUIs and the mouse were the beginning of the end of computing as an empowering tool.1 Anything worth being computed should be computed in UTF-8 and 256 colors, in an 80s looking terminal.

  1. Footnote rant: unbeknownst to the passive masses, the Internet is no longer a tool, a social space, nor a communication medium. The Internet Attention-Grabbing Complex (social media, plus clickbait, plus rent-collecting services) is now more similar to a virus or to the famous Brazilian entomopathogen fungus, and its sole objective is to hijack frontal lobes and monetize compulsive human behavior.