See some of my recent activities:
Acaba de aparecer mi reseña de la magnífica novela Sinfonia No. 1 de Kurt Hackbart en el #917 (Feb 2025) de la Revista de la Universidad de México.
On December 16 at 2pm (EST), I will deliver this year’s webinar for the Colonial Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
I’m pleased to share that my translation of John Gage’s Color and Meaning (Color y significado, Acantilado, 2023) has been released in a second edition.
I’m thrilled to report that Lincoln Son Currie, my dear student and research assistant at BU, presented the paper “Seneca’s Specious Prophecy and the Theology of New World Evangelization” at the international Bartolomé de las Casas conference in Providence College, RI.
During the Summer 2023, I will be conducting research at the John Carter Brown library in Providence, RI, with the support of a John Carter Brown Library short-term fellowship.
My article, “‘Postreros acentos de la lira indiana’: The Discovery of the Cantares mexicanos in the Nineteenth Century,” published by the Hispanic American Historical Review, has been named best article of the year by the Nineteenth century section of the Latin American Studies Association.
My translation of John Gage’s groundbreaking Color and Meaning (2000) was just published by Acantilado.
I will present my ongoing research on New Spanish sacred antiquarianism and “speculative pictography” at the Sign & Symbol Research Group Seminar, by invitadion of Dr. Katarzyna Mikulska (Oct 14, University of Warsaw).
I will be presenting my ongoing research on New Spanish sacred antiquarianism and the Codex Vaticanus A at a the international colloquium “El Códice Vaticano A: Historia, recepción y contenido de un manuscrito pictográfico colonial sobre el México antiguo”
My article “‘Postreros acentos de la lira indiana’: The Discovery of the Cantares mexicanos in the Nineteenth Century” just appeared in Volume 102, Issue 3 of the Hispanic America Historical Review.
I will chair the panel “Invisible Mediations: Indigenous Intellectuals in Nineteenth-Century Mexico” (Sunday, May 8, 2022 at 04:00 PM).
I’m thrilled to announce that on July 1st, I will begin a new position as Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine. I will miss my dear colleagues at Boston University, but I look forward to joining the fabled Comparative Literature department at sunny Irvine!
I will deliver a keynote entitled “Mexico: An American Egypt” at a symposium on Egyptian and Sudanese Collections in Latin America organized by the Comité international pour l’Égyptologie (CIPEG)…
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